5 and UP
This coming July 14, UP-CGG will celebrate its fifth
year of existence as a socio-civic organization in the University. And as
the University of the Philippines fast approaches its Centennial, activities of
the organization are in line with the celebration. Our projects still stick
to our commitment to work continuously for our goals.

UP-CGG for this year has prepared the following activities:
UP-CGG’s radio
program, “PROfiles,”
will continue to air over UP Diliman’s official
radio station. While the program concentrated on interviewing student
leaders last semester, we envision widening its scope to include national
and community leaders. We also would like to discuss latest issues
affecting the government and the society. Last semester, the program
invited the head of Gawad Kalinga
in UP Diliman, the university’s lone delegate to the Ayala Young Leaders’
Congress, and the newly elected University Student Council officers. It
even hosted a debate that involved the standard bearers of the contending
parties for the college student council elections.
OPINION POLLS (Target: monthly)
UP-CGG wants to know the opinion of students on topics affecting the
student body through its opinion polls. Last year, UP-CGG takes pride in its 95% accuracy in predicting the
results of the recent college student council elections. Since most
members have already taken Communication Research subjects, we would like
to gauge how much we have learned from our professors by conducting the
polls. As started last year, 100 students- 25 from each of CMC’s four departments, will serve as respondents for the polls.
MEDIA+ED (Target: September 2007)
We live in a mediated
world where every two sides work harmoniously with the mediation of one
force. In this case, mass media and the academe are the extremes, both are mediated by their common cause to
educate the media and the people.
This will be a
symposium-workshop that will convene mass communication students to equip
them with knowledge on issues confronting the media and to form solutions
to problems faced by future practitioners. It could be a probable time
for students to realize the truth of Marshall McLuhan’s
maxim that “the medium is the message.”
i-EXCHANGE (December 2007)
Possibly another new idea
from UP-CGG, i-Exchange is a shortcut for
“intellectual exchange.” The exchange here is in the form of a debate,
which will involve different mass communication organizations to argue
about issues affecting mass media, society and their interrelatedness
relations. The arguments and public speaking skills of the speakers shall
be judged based on their “bias for truth,” the foremost ideal that guides
In the spirit of sharing
and giving during the Yuletide Season, UP-CGG will work with medical organizations to give free
medical and dental services for one whole day in depressed areas within
the University’s vicinity.
True to its socio-civic
nature, UP-CGG will visit
elementary and high schools to give students an animated reading project
and an in-house talk about media issues.
Media TOURista
(January 2008)
The trip will give the
members a glimpse of the industry by going to some offices of prominent
media companies in the Philippines and share their stories of success.