The UP Communicators for Good Governance (UP-CGG) is by nature, a socio-civic organization. It believes
in the ideals of bias for truth and effective communication for
Its founders aimed that
the organization will be an effective venue to train students to become
effective communicators in the future. This could be done through
developing their sense of awareness in issues in the society.
The founding members saw
that students who will soon enter the world of mass media will play an
important contribution to good governance. This is what UP-CGG members aim to do with
their passion for growth in the study and practice of communication.
Hence, the UP-CGG members are trained to
adhere to professionalism and excellence in their future work, while not
sacrificing ethical standards.
As an organization of students
based in the UP College of Mass
Communication, UP-CGG also shares the College’s vision of developing a “free
and independent, liberative and transformative,
critical and vigilant Philippine mass media.”
UP-CGG adapted its
principles from the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for the
Asia and Pacific.
They were revised to conform to the standards of media practitioners.
The UP-CGG members live by
example by being aware of the latest social issues and concerns,
enhancing their crafts and talents, and creatively looking for ways to
learn and serve the people through media. This, in effect, has turned the
organization into a breeding ground for future media practitioners who
will make important contributions to nation-building.